Hello World👋

My name is Anthony Doan and I am a full-stack developer with a bachelor of science in computer engineering. Currently, I am a freelancer in web development. In my free time, I love cooking, playing basketball, and playing valorant.


Check out some of my works!

C#/ .NET/ LocalDB

Restaraunt Locator

A full-stack desktop application that allows users to find a nearby resteruant based on their preferences using Yelp's API. Users will also be prompt to create an account which allows them to have their own unique profile and each account is stored in a local databased. The users will also have accessed to their own dashboard.

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Traffic Light Simulator

Incorporated a screen that display a traffic light simulation as well as a switch that activates a crosswalk timer using seven-segment display. A photo sensor is used to sense whether the traffic controller is operating in Day Mode or Night Mode. This is all processed using a PIC18F4620.

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C# / .NET

Wallpaper Taskbar

A user interface for desktop backgrounds that displays the current time and date along with a schedule of the user's classes that the user stores in a local databased. By clicking on the class name, it will redirect them directly to the zoom link. The user may also change the orientation of the GUI.

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Android Studio / XML / Java

TODOLU Android Application

Worked with a team of 4 to create an Android mobile application that allows users to interact with friends and followers in the form of productive social media. Users will be able to post daily tasks lists, add events and meetings to their calendars, listen to music, play with study pets, and share their progress on this app.

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TailwindCSS / Next.JS

This Website

This website was build using TailwindCSS and Next.JS. Flexbox are used to create cards that stores informations. Basic TailwindCSS animation are used to make the site more responsive. Next.JS is used to create a server-side rendering website as well as providing better structures for the codes.

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